Tips for talking to your boyfriend about UTIs

Tips for talking to your boyfriend about UTIs

We often don't talk to our partner about our struggle with bladder infections for fear of seeming...
The Anxiety & Fear that comes with UTIs - and what you can do about it

The Anxiety & Fear that comes with UTIs - and what you can do about it

Sex should be fun, first and foremost, but it can also be complicated - not just because of all t...
EXPLAINED: Antibiotic Resistance

EXPLAINED: Antibiotic Resistance

What you should know about antibiotics If you've struggled with bladder infections before, you've...
Wing Woman: How The Ingredients Work

Wing Woman: How The Ingredients Work


 Wing Woman is your go-to girl and your partner in crime. She specifically supports you in strengthening your bladder lining...

Tips and Tricks for Bladder Infections

Tips and Tricks for Bladder Infections

Even if it sometimes feels as if we are helplessly at the mercy of a bladder infection, there are...
Causes and Symptoms of UTIs

Causes and Symptoms of UTIs

Symptoms, how they develop and triggers (yes, sex is one of them) More than half of all women hav...
Are there Emotional Causes of UTIs?

Are there Emotional Causes of UTIs?

Eastern and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have long understood the way our mental and spirit...
You Can’t Heal A Body You Hate

You Can’t Heal A Body You Hate

So many women waste such valuable brain space thinking about, picking at or downright obsessing a...
Stress and UTIs

Stress and UTIs

One of the most common triggers of bladder infections (besides sex) is a sustained elevated stres...