You Can’t Heal A Body You Hate

You Can’t Heal A Body You Hate

So many women waste such valuable brain space thinking about, picking at or downright obsessing about their body. The amount of time we spend critiquing ourselves, wanting to be a different way, or just feeling “not enough”, takes up so much of our energy and pulls us further away from our healing and alignment. The relationship with our bodies gets even more complicated when battling undiagnosed or chronic health issues. ⁠

What if we told you that a powerful gateway to self healing may look like more self love and acceptance. By quietening these inner mean thoughts and accepting ourselves exactly as we are, we can regain our power. When we intentionally connect with, advocate for, invest in, care for and love our bodies, it’s incredible how our body starts working FOR us. 

Self acceptance is not about a bubble bath or feeling good in an outfit - that’s just self care. We are talking about getting to a place where you unconditionally accepting yourself (“flaws” and all) so that nothing outside of you can affect the way you feel. (Btw: flaws are a man-made concept dependent on a current trend). Truly living in a way where we accept, love and forgive our bodies. Where we stop obsessing about how it looks, and become more at peace and grateful for what it does for us. This is when it can truly heal and be the vehicle to help us achieve what we want in life.

But, true healing starts in the mind. You can be eating the most clean diet, but if you are feeding your mind rubbish thoughts - you will never feel happy and healthy. Having a constant loop of negative thoughts and mean self-criticism is a way to make you feel quite literally ill. Would you say the things you tell yourself to a close friend or sister? No way! But we let these thoughts live rent-free in our heads and allow them to bully and torment us. 

Life is all about being kind to yourself and getting rid of all the negative talk that circles in our minds on a daily basis – and don’t even realise it. 

Start listening to the way you talk to yourself and about yourself for 24 hours and write down everything you say that isn’t kind. I’m sure you’ll be shocked to see what you come up with. 

To make a change, it all starts with you. Put yourself first.

You have nothing to prove and do not have to be a certain way to gain love and acceptance. You are here to be your truest self and realise how perfect you are, just as you are. You don’t need any “fixing” - just little adjustments to decondition yourself from anything holding you back - and to understand yourself more and find what truly makes you happy. Trust that you are on the right path and accept who you are by standing your ground. 

Live in the present moment. Try not to focus on your past or worry about the future. These are all out of your control and only worrying about them throws off your energy and thoughts. Stay focused on the now and how you are feeling in that exact moment. These are three key times during our day when our thoughts go into the past = fear or future = worry. Try and stop these loops!

Soon, you’ll be able to notice those negative thoughts and you’ll view these thoughts from a higher level. You’ll learn how to be at peace with them instead of unconsciously repeating these thoughts over and over again to yourself, which in turn negatively affects your well-being and healing.

True strength comes from learning how to love yourself unconditionally and taking care of yourself - not just on a physical level with your food and environment but also with your mind <3

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